Posts tagged professional development
Silent Ambition: Let Your Success Speak Louder Than Your Words

Once, I excitedly shared a promising business idea with a colleague, hoping to team up and bring it to life together. Instead of collaboration, I received a polite decline. Months later, I was taken aback to discover that my colleague had launched a business—selling the very idea I had shared with her.

In a world where oversharing is the norm, where every meal and milestone is broadcasted on social media, it may seem counterintuitive to keep your ambitions under wraps. But in reality, there's immense power in working quietly and letting your success make the noise.

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The Power of Contract Negotiation

Contracts represent more than mere agreements; they are the conduits through which we navigate our professional journeys. Yet, all too often, these agreements tilt in favor of one party, leaving the other to grapple with the remnants of unfulfilled potential. For women, who historically have faced unique challenges in the realm of contract negotiation, reclaiming their rightful portion of the divine plan can be a transformative act of empowerment.

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Designing Your Life with Purpose and Freedom

In today’s world we often equate success with material wealth and possessions. It's easy to get caught up in the rat race of accumulation. Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder in a 9-5 job or running your own business, the pressure to chase after money and status can feel overwhelming. However, there's a different approach—one that prioritizes intentional living and designing your life around what truly matters.

Intentional living is about aligning your actions and choices with your values and goals, rather than simply going through the motions dictated by societal norms or external expectations. It's about consciously crafting a life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose, regardless of your financial situation or professional aspirations.

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Why I Have a Weekly family Business Meeting

In the bustle of modern life, finding a delicate balance between work and family can be akin to walking a tightrope. As an orthodontist and practice owner alongside my husband, a general dentist, with a lively two-year-old in tow, life is a constant juggling act. Amidst the myriad responsibilities, we've found a beacon of organization and harmony in an unexpected place: the weekly family business meeting.

Our family, much like a business, requires strategic planning and, most importantly, regular check-ins. The weekly family business meeting has become our compass, guiding us through the maze of tasks, appointments, and familial responsibilities. It's a designated time to synchronize our calendars, discuss the upcoming week's events, and ensure we're all on the same page.

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23 Goals for 2023 End of year Check-In

As this year comes to a close, I find myself revisiting the 23 goals I set for myself in my "23 Goals for 2023" blog post at the beginning of this year. Along the way, I provided a mid-year check-in to update you on my progress, and here we are now, at the end-of-year check-in, evaluating how far I've come and what I've achieved.

2023 turned out to be more challenging than I anticipated. While I didn't quite accomplish all 23 goals I set, I managed to achieve the more meaningful ones. As the year unfolded, I had to prioritize certain things over others. It's been a year of growth, of learning to appreciate the small things, and understanding the true essence of wealth – family, health, and simple moments of joy.

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Books I Read In 2023

As an enthusiastic reader, diving into a captivating book brings me immense joy. The act of losing oneself within the pages of a book offers relaxation and a myriad of benefits, such as expanding knowledge, enhancing brain function, improving focus and memory, providing entertainment, fostering empathy, refining communication skills, and reducing stress – among other positive impacts that extend to mental health and longevity.

In the span of 2023, I set out to conquer the challenge of reading 23 books. Admittedly, my life has taken on a different pace this year, juggling responsibilities as a mother and a business/practice owner. Despite the time constraints, I'm thrilled to share that I delved into 20 books this year, with 12 of them shared within the context of my book club. Navigating this busy schedule, I found solace in audiobooks – an aspect that enriched my reading experience in unexpected ways. Embracing audiobooks became a game-changer; they allowed me to multitask, enabling me to engage with books while carrying out various activities throughout the day. The flexibility and convenience they offer are truly remarkable.

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Discovering True Wealth: The New Rich

In a world often measured by financial wealth, the concept of true richness extends beyond bank accounts and possessions. It’s about acknowledging the overlooked treasures that enrich our lives, nurturing our spirits and granting us a sense of fulfillment. Welcome to "The New Rich," where abundance transcends monetary figures and instead resides in the simple yet profound aspects of existence.

What if our genuine wealth is rooted in the things we often take for granted? Imagine waking up to a sunrise, feeling the gentle morning breeze, or savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. These simple pleasures, often overlooked in the rush of daily life, compose the fabric of true richness. It's about relishing the unhurried moments that embrace our souls, granting us a profound sense of fulfillment.

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Things to Consider When Starting a Private Practice

For healthcare professionals, the idea of opening a private practice in the medical field is both thrilling and potentially life-changing. Whether you are a doctor, therapist, dentist, or another type of healthcare professional, operating your practice holds out the prospect of both personal and professional pleasure. However, this project demands careful preparation and reflective consideration. Therefore, here are a few things you need to know before launching a solo practice, so take these things into consideration right now.

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Living a Fulfilling Life: Balancing a Successful Career and Personal Happiness

As a busy professional, it can become all too easy to lose sight of the importance of maintaining a balance between career success and personal happiness. We can become so consumed with work and the pressures that come with it, that we forget about the things that truly matter. However, the good news is that it is possible to lead a fulfilling life while juggling a successful career and maintaining a happy personal life. Let this guide shared by The UnOrthoDoc help you strike that balance between work and happiness.

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The Evolution of Work in the Post-Pandemic Era

The COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally altered the landscape of work in ways we could not have imagined just a few years ago. As the world grappled with the challenges and uncertainties brought about by the virus, individuals and businesses adapted and evolved in response to the crisis. This period of adaptation has reshaped the world of work, redefining our understanding of where, how, and why we work.

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Mastering the Art of Effective Networking for Professional Success

In today's interconnected world, networking isn't just a buzzword; it's a skill that has become the cornerstone of my journey as a millennial orthodontist and blogger with a thriving orthodontics practice and a robust online community. From crowded conference halls to the virtual landscapes of social media, networking has been the secret ingredient that has elevated my professional success to new heights.

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Prioritizing Self-Care: A Must-Have for Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur can be both rewarding and challenging. In the pursuit of success, it's easy to forget about self-care. However, taking care of yourself is essential to your well-being and overall success. In this article, we'll explore some tips to help entrepreneurs prioritize self-care.

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Crafting Your Personal Brand: A Pathway to Success

In today's digitally connected world, personal branding has emerged as a powerful tool to distinguish oneself and create a lasting impression. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative professional, or someone seeking to enhance your career prospects, cultivating a strong personal brand is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore the key steps to create a personal brand that authentically represents you and sets you apart from the crowd.

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24 Months Being a Mom & The Balancing Act It Comes With

My son, Braxton turns 2 today and I honestly do not know how to feel or act. As I sit down to reflect on the past 24 months, I am struck by how fast time has flown by, yet at the same time, how it feels like an eternity since the moment I held my little one in my arms for the very first time. Being a mother has been the most transformative experience of my life, and I am grateful for every moment of it, the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

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How to Find Work-Life Balance as a Working Parent: Tips and Tricks from an “Unorthodoc” Mom

Are you a working parent struggling to balance work and family life? Don't worry, you're not alone! Finding work-life balance can be a challenge, but there are tips and tricks that can help. As an "UnOrthoDoc" mom, I know firsthand how important it is to prioritize balance, accept help, create boundaries, and take time for yourself. Balancing work and family life isn't always easy, but with some effort and these tips, you can find solutions that work for you.

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7 Things I Learned From Creating a 7-Figure Business

When I first started out in business, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. After years of hard work and dedication, I am proud to say that in 2022 I have achieved 7-figure success. It was quite possibly one of the most challenging yet rewarding goals I have accomplished yet. I spent the last week in 2022 completely spent and exhausted with much time to reflect. From this journey, I have learned a great deal about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and millionaire.

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Retirement Planning for Young Professionals in 2023

If you’ve been a reader here for a while you know that financial development is one of my favorite topics, especially when it comes to retirement planning. It is never too early (or late) to start saving towards your retirement! The past several years have made saving and investing a bit challenging but if I had any advice for a place to park what little money you may have left over for investing, it would be in a retirement account.

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Everything You Need To Know About Web3

Web3 is the next era of the internet, where users are in control of their data and applications. Many businesses and tech experts have been predicting its rise for years, and it is finally starting to become a reality! If you want to learn more about Web3, check out our guide to everything you need to know.

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6 Trends That Will Affect The Future Of Advertising

The advertising sector constantly evolves along with time passing, especially with the emergence of new technologies and innovative trends. These inventions transformed how marketers operate, from creating content to fulfilling their responsibilities. For instance, the internet and social media have become the most effective platform for businesses to advertise their products and interact with customers today.

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Leading an “UnOrthoDoc” Life and How You Can Too

You probably landed on my blog or have been a long time reader and wondered, what does she even mean by The UnOrthoDoc? UnOrthoDoc is a word I totally made up that became sort of my personal brand. By my definition, it is (n) someone who does not subscribe to stereotypes of what he/she should be, do or look like (adj): Contrary to what is usual; different. It is a play on words, taken from the word Unorthodox meaning to be different. Therefore, by definition, you may also be UnOrthoDoc.

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