Posts in Motherhood
New Mom Must-Haves: Showering Love with Practical Gifts

I have officially entered the phase of life where all my friends, acquaintances, and colleagues are married, and it seems like there's a baby shower almost every month. As the invitations pile up, so can the pressure to find the perfect gift for the new parents-to-be. This is why today, I've compiled a list of some seriously stellar ideas for baby shower gifts that new moms will adore.

Baby showers can be a fun time for everyone: cake, party games, gender reveals, and all the fun things, But baby showers can also be stressful for the guest who has no idea what to gift the new parents. So, Let's talk strategy - First off, always check if the parents-to-be have a registry. Trust me, this will help you in making sure your gift hits the mark. And speaking from experience, the best baby shower gifts are often those that new parents have requested or recommended. If you’re looking for some inspiration, below are some of our picks for the best baby shower gifts and ideas for showering the parents-to-be.

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Designing Your Life with Purpose and Freedom

In today’s world we often equate success with material wealth and possessions. It's easy to get caught up in the rat race of accumulation. Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder in a 9-5 job or running your own business, the pressure to chase after money and status can feel overwhelming. However, there's a different approach—one that prioritizes intentional living and designing your life around what truly matters.

Intentional living is about aligning your actions and choices with your values and goals, rather than simply going through the motions dictated by societal norms or external expectations. It's about consciously crafting a life that brings you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose, regardless of your financial situation or professional aspirations.

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Why I Have a Weekly family Business Meeting

In the bustle of modern life, finding a delicate balance between work and family can be akin to walking a tightrope. As an orthodontist and practice owner alongside my husband, a general dentist, with a lively two-year-old in tow, life is a constant juggling act. Amidst the myriad responsibilities, we've found a beacon of organization and harmony in an unexpected place: the weekly family business meeting.

Our family, much like a business, requires strategic planning and, most importantly, regular check-ins. The weekly family business meeting has become our compass, guiding us through the maze of tasks, appointments, and familial responsibilities. It's a designated time to synchronize our calendars, discuss the upcoming week's events, and ensure we're all on the same page.

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My Recommended Toothpastes with Hydroxyapatite

Everyone is looking for natural alternatives to everything these days, your toothpaste is no different. For many many years we’ve heard our dentists tell us about the importance and benefits of fluoride and why we need to ensure that it exists in all our dental products. I am one of those dentists that have long touted the use of fluoride. The benefits and importance of it still holds true. However, in our quest to find more natural options hydroxyapatite as a fluoride substitute has been getting a lot of attention lately.

There is a pretty distinct difference between fluoride and hydroxyapatite. Fluoride is a naturally found element and in toothpaste it works by building a stronger, more acid resistant tooth surface and thus help to prevent cavities. However, higher doses of fluoride are seen to be possibly unsafe and can weaken bones and ligaments. The amount you’re likely to use in your toothpaste, under 20mg, is safe.

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23 Goals for 2023 End of year Check-In

As this year comes to a close, I find myself revisiting the 23 goals I set for myself in my "23 Goals for 2023" blog post at the beginning of this year. Along the way, I provided a mid-year check-in to update you on my progress, and here we are now, at the end-of-year check-in, evaluating how far I've come and what I've achieved.

2023 turned out to be more challenging than I anticipated. While I didn't quite accomplish all 23 goals I set, I managed to achieve the more meaningful ones. As the year unfolded, I had to prioritize certain things over others. It's been a year of growth, of learning to appreciate the small things, and understanding the true essence of wealth – family, health, and simple moments of joy.

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Discovering True Wealth: The New Rich

In a world often measured by financial wealth, the concept of true richness extends beyond bank accounts and possessions. It’s about acknowledging the overlooked treasures that enrich our lives, nurturing our spirits and granting us a sense of fulfillment. Welcome to "The New Rich," where abundance transcends monetary figures and instead resides in the simple yet profound aspects of existence.

What if our genuine wealth is rooted in the things we often take for granted? Imagine waking up to a sunrise, feeling the gentle morning breeze, or savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. These simple pleasures, often overlooked in the rush of daily life, compose the fabric of true richness. It's about relishing the unhurried moments that embrace our souls, granting us a profound sense of fulfillment.

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Elevate Your Well-being: Self-Care Gift Guide for Busy Professionals

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, prioritizing self-care often takes a backseat. As busy professionals, the demands of work, responsibilities, and commitments can leave us feeling drained and depleted. But fear not, because it's time to reclaim a moment of tranquility and rejuvenation with our curated Self-Care Gift Guide.

This gift guide is specially crafted for the dedicated professionals out there who are always on the go, juggling multiple tasks, and constantly striving for success. We understand the importance of carving out moments of self-care amidst the chaos, which is why we've handpicked a selection of thoughtful, practical, and indulgent items to help you unwind and prioritize your well-being.

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Ultimate 2023 Holiday Gift Guide: Perfect Presents for Everyone on Your List!

'Tis the season to spread joy, and what better way to do so than with the perfect gifts that light up the faces of your loved ones? It's that time of year again, and I'm thrilled to unveil my highly anticipated 2023 Holiday Gift Guide! Year after year, this curated selection of gifts has been a favorite among my readers, and I can't wait to share this year's fabulous finds with you all.

As the holidays draw near, finding the ideal presents can often be a daunting task. But fear not! My ultimate gift guide is here to make your holiday shopping a breeze. Handpicked with care and thoughtfulness, this collection features an array of gifts that cater to every taste, personality, and budget.

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Embracing Life's Changing Seasons

Life is an intriguing journey, a winding path that takes us through various stages, each molding our priorities and reshaping our perspectives. As I reflect on my own journey, I've come to realize that our priorities are ever-shifting, mirroring the different chapters of our lives.

In my early twenties, my fervent aspiration was to become an orthodontist. The drive for success and ambition surged within me, propelling me toward my professional goals. I dedicated tireless hours to study, embracing every opportunity to advance my career.

As my late twenties unfolded into the early thirties, my focus shifted gears. I found myself immersed in building my career, relishing in accomplishments and accolades.

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Stocking Stuffers that Spark Smiles: 8 Orthodontist-Approved Oral Care Products Under $25

The holiday season is upon us, and what better way to spread joy than by filling your loved ones' stockings with gifts that contribute to their oral health? As an orthodontist, I know the importance of maintaining a healthy, radiant smile, and I've curated a list of eight smile-worthy stocking stuffers – all under $25. These oral care products are not only affordable but also recommended by yours truly to keep those pearly whites in tip-top shape.

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Electric Flossers Face-Off: Slate vs. Flaus

Flossing has long been a crucial component of maintaining excellent oral health. However, it's a task that many people tend to overlook or simply find cumbersome. Thankfully, modern technology has brought us electric flossers, making this essential dental hygiene routine more convenient and effective. In this comparison, we'll take a closer look at two prominent players in the electric flosser market: Slate and Flaus. We'll explore their key features, design, and functionality to help you make an informed decision on which one suits your oral care needs best.

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Product Review: Willow Pump 3.0 - Total Mobility and Convenience for Nursing Moms

Not too long ago, my now 2-year-old son was nursing, and having a breastfeeding pump that was versatile and mobile was an absolute game-changer. I vividly remember those days of juggling a busy schedule, patients to see, and a little one to care for. It was during this time that I discovered the Willow Pump 3.0, a device that promised total mobility and convenience. In this review, I'll share my experience with the Willow Pump 3.0, how it eased my daily routine, and why I believe it's an essential tool for nursing moms who are on the go.

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23 Goals for 2023 Midyear Check-In

At the beginning of this year, I wrote a blog post titled "23 for 2023" where I shared my 23 goals for the year. I firmly believe in the power of goal setting as a means of self-improvement, and I am excited to provide you with a midyear check-in on my progress. Remember, research shows that writing down your goals increases the likelihood of achieving them. So, let's dive in and see how far I've come!

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The Art of Everyday Luxury: Elevating Your Daily Life

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the beauty and luxury that can be found in the small moments. We often reserve indulgence and lavish experiences for special occasions, forgetting that we have the power to create a sense of everyday luxury right in our own lives. In this blog post, we will explore practical tips and ideas on how to add small touches of luxury to your everyday routine. From self-care rituals to creating an inviting home environment, let's unlock the art of everyday luxury and inspire ourselves to live life to the fullest.

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4 Reasons Why Cruises Are A Great Option For Your First Vacation with the Kids

While child-free vacations can serve as a much-needed reprieve from the stress of parenting, there’s still nothing like going on a family trip with your kids. As discussed in a previous blog post on ‘24 Months Being A Mom’, parenthood is a constant balancing act between tending to your personal and professional responsibilities and being able to spend quality time with your child. Traveling with your kid allows you to slow down and be present as they gain new experiences and learn more about the world around them.

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24 Months Being a Mom & The Balancing Act It Comes With

My son, Braxton turns 2 today and I honestly do not know how to feel or act. As I sit down to reflect on the past 24 months, I am struck by how fast time has flown by, yet at the same time, how it feels like an eternity since the moment I held my little one in my arms for the very first time. Being a mother has been the most transformative experience of my life, and I am grateful for every moment of it, the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

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How to Find Work-Life Balance as a Working Parent: Tips and Tricks from an “Unorthodoc” Mom

Are you a working parent struggling to balance work and family life? Don't worry, you're not alone! Finding work-life balance can be a challenge, but there are tips and tricks that can help. As an "UnOrthoDoc" mom, I know firsthand how important it is to prioritize balance, accept help, create boundaries, and take time for yourself. Balancing work and family life isn't always easy, but with some effort and these tips, you can find solutions that work for you.

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Valentine's Day Gift Guide for Him, Her & Your Little

It has taken me some time but it’s finally here, this year’s Valentine’s day gift guide! I know this is a fav on the blog and you’ve been waiting with bated breath, lol. This time I am putting a little something together for everyone. This gift guide is for him, her and your little one, and newsflash you do not have to get the cliché chocolates, roses and a card (come back and thank me later). Nothing against that stuff, I myself love a great box of chocolates. But, you can switch it up a bit and do things differently.

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23 Goals for 2023

Time and time again, research shows that you are more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. In that same breath, it is important then when you’re thinking about setting goals, you set yourself up for success. That means having a method of planning that allows you to track your progress in the right way, stay motivated, and encourages you to be both consistent and disciplined.

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Books I Read in 2022

This year I managed to read 26 books, 12 of which I read together with my book club. I must admit that my time is very different now being a mom and business/practice owner, and while I would have preferred to read all 26 physical books, quite a bit of them were the audio version (thanks audible!) Nevertheless I got it done, still reaped the benefits and developed a newfound love for audiobooks. They are the truth! You can still carry on with your day, do several things and still “read,” it’s amazing. Here’s a round-up of the 26 books I read in 2022 and if one of your goals for 2023 is to read more books, join my book club.

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