Posts tagged fluoride
My Recommended Toothpastes with Hydroxyapatite

Everyone is looking for natural alternatives to everything these days, your toothpaste is no different. For many many years we’ve heard our dentists tell us about the importance and benefits of fluoride and why we need to ensure that it exists in all our dental products. I am one of those dentists that have long touted the use of fluoride. The benefits and importance of it still holds true. However, in our quest to find more natural options hydroxyapatite as a fluoride substitute has been getting a lot of attention lately.

There is a pretty distinct difference between fluoride and hydroxyapatite. Fluoride is a naturally found element and in toothpaste it works by building a stronger, more acid resistant tooth surface and thus help to prevent cavities. However, higher doses of fluoride are seen to be possibly unsafe and can weaken bones and ligaments. The amount you’re likely to use in your toothpaste, under 20mg, is safe.

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