Why I Have a Weekly family Business Meeting

In the bustle of modern life, finding a delicate balance between work and family can be akin to walking a tightrope. As an orthodontist and practice owner alongside my husband, a general dentist, with a lively two-year-old in tow, life is a constant juggling act. Amidst the myriad responsibilities, we've found a beacon of organization and harmony in an unexpected place: the weekly family business meeting.

The Family as a Business: Strategy and Regular Check-ins

Our family, much like a business, requires strategic planning and, most importantly, regular check-ins. The weekly family business meeting has become our compass, guiding us through the maze of tasks, appointments, and familial responsibilities. It's a designated time to synchronize our calendars, discuss the upcoming week's events, and ensure we're all on the same page.

Balancing Act: Work-Life Harmony

Maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between our professional and personal lives is no small feat. The family business meeting allows us to recalibrate, ensuring neither work nor family takes an undue toll. It's a deliberate effort to strike a balance, acknowledging that the success of our family is intrinsically linked to the success of our professional endeavors.

Delegating: The Art of Sharing Responsibilities

One of the key lessons learned through these meetings is the art of delegation. Recognizing that we can't do it all, we've embraced the support of hired help, whether it’s a family member, a nanny, a housekeeper to keep our home in order, and occasional babysitters for those rare moments of solitude. Delegating tasks allows us to focus on what truly matters: the well-being of our family and the success of our practices.

Roles and Responsibilities: Creating Order in Chaos

Assigning roles within the household, devoid of rigid gender stereotypes, has been pivotal. Everyone, regardless of age, has a part to play. Whether it's ensuring the toys are picked up, organizing family outings, or managing the household finances, having defined roles instills a sense of order and responsibility.

Proper Planning: A Pillar of Success

In the world of dentistry, proper planning is the linchpin of success. The same principle applies at home. Our family business meetings delve into long-term planning—financial goals, vacations, and even the occasional date night. This foresight allows us to anticipate challenges and celebrate victories together.

Conclusion: Nurturing the Dual Identity

As the dual identity of a dental power couple and a loving family intertwines, our weekly family business meetings serve as the crucible where the alchemy of strategy, communication, and love transpires. It's our commitment to ensuring that the tapestry of our lives, woven with professional and familial threads, remains resilient, vibrant, and harmonious. In the symphony of our existence, the family business meeting is the conductor that orchestrates a melodious rhythm, blending the diverse notes of our lives into a harmonious tune.