Healthy Ways to Cope During Times of Stress

The COVID-19 global pandemic has affected everyone tremendously in some way or another. A close friend of my mother recently passed from the virus and it has since sent ripples through our families. The seriousness of the virus has always been known but it’s very different when it hits close to home, and even though focus has been given to the physical effects (and rightfully so, with the death toll rising by the day), it goes far beyond that. This period has been very heavy - mentally, financially, physically and especially emotionally.

In what seems like a flash, our lives have changed drastically. We have all been ordered to quarantine and/or practice social distancing, but what does this truly mean? Daily life as we know it has come to a screeching halt and we all have been trying to adjust to this new normal. Many small businesses have closed their doors, seeing years of hard work dwindle with much uncertainty of whether they will recover from this financially. The employees of said businesses have been laid off, and while the government has put together a stimulus package that will offer some temporary relief in the future,the idea of job security is no longer in place. Mothers and caregivers have had to adjust to this new normal of home schooling their children since schools are closed for the remainder of the school year - this is quite an adjustment for any child. Many children will struggle to find an equal footing in the current educational system, as the ability to have access to the internet or a computer will greatly determine which children learn and which do not. 

There is growing anxiety as we try to keep our loved ones safe by taking every precaution to not contract the virus and spread it; wash the hands (frequently), clean the countertops and high touch surfaces, quarantine, social distance but don’t confuse them with self isolation (see the quarantine guide here). Going to the grocery store is nerve wracking and every cough or sneeze gives us pause. We inhale and hold our breaths and check for signs of chest pains and sit in saunas because we’re told heat/steam has an effect on the virus. All this has been unsettling and the impact has us all feeling a bit less than our normal selves. stress.png

In spite of it all, we must first find ways to cope and manage the stress of our situations. Here are a few things that I’ve been implementing that helps:

  • Develop and keep a routine to establish some semblance of normalcy.

  • Keep a Journal: Spend time with yourself and write about how you’re feeling. It’s normal to feel worried about your health, safety and that of your loved ones - If this is triggering anxiety, put it down on paper. Also practice gratitude - you are safe, healthy with a roof over your head and food to eat. Consider yourself fortunate.

  • Read a book or listen to music : Do things that help you to relax, this is great for your mental health. Zoning out with your favorite book or listening to your favorite podcast or music playlist will make the time go faster and help with easing anxiety.

  • Minimize social media and news intake: Be fair and honest with yourself about your feelings. Also, let facts inform your reactions and feelings (not fear). If the news and social media is causing anxiety or depression, consider unplugging for a day or two. If you consider that extreme, try limiting your access to credible news websites that you check once or twice per day.

  • Keep in touch and spend time with people you love and care about: This is important more than ever, Don’t isolate. In an effort to stay connected, you can use FaceTime to interact with family and friends or even reach out and engage to your people on social media. You can have Instagram lives, google hangouts or even start a book club.

  • Exercise: Keep moving. Go for a 15-20 minute walk or run outside and fill up on fresh air. When you’re inside stretch, do yoga or participate in virtual workouts.

  • Fill your mind with positive resources and stories to keep yourself upbeat: Daily affirmations are a good place to start. I use starlight and love affirmation cards and daily readings from Lalah Delia.

Try to keep fear and anxiety at bay and develop coping skills to manage and get through these tough times. We are all in this together. May we come out of this evolved and stronger than ever.

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