4 Simple Ways To Keep Your Clear Aligners Clean

If you’re going through the process of aligning/straightening your teeth with clear aligners, like Invisalign or Clear Correct, you know first hand that it can get pretty dirty. As an Orthodontist I’ve seen my share of gunky aligners. If you’re having trouble keeping them clean, here are some tips to keep them fresh and free of gunk:

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1. Soap and Water

The simplest way to clean your aligners is to use gentle liquid soap with lukewarm water. Brush them gently with a soft bristled toothbrush or mix the solution in a cup to form suds. Soak your aligners in the soapy water for 20–30 minutes, then rinse with plain water.

2. Vinegar and Water

In a cup, mix one part white vinegar to three parts luke-warm water. Soak your aligners in the liquid for 15 minutes, then rinse in cool plain water.

3. Peroxide and Water

Soak aligners in a solution of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and luke-warm water for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly in plain water.

4. Retainer or Aligner Cleaner

Cleaners like Ever Smile White Foam or Retainer Brite are very good at keeping aligners clean. Ever Smile is a minty foam made with hydrogen peroxide that is spread on your aligners and put directly back in the mouth. The hydrogen peroxide destroys bacteria that causes bad breathand tooth decay and you get the added benefit of some whitening over time. Retainer Brite is great as well, they are dissolvable tablets that you place in a cup of water , leave the aligners there for about 30 minutes. 

How *not* to clean aligners:

1. Hot Water

Never use hot water to clean your aligners. Hot water will warp and change the shape of the plastic making it unable to fit.

2. Mouthwash

Mouthwash is great to rinse your mouth with but never for your aligners. The coloring used in most mouthwashes can permanently stain your clear aligners.

3. Toothpaste

Contrary to popular belief, toothpaste must never be used to clean your aligners. Toothpaste has abrasive properties that will create scratches in the plastic. Scratched plastic will not look as clear and will be noticeable.

4. Other Solutions

Solutions like bleach, alcohol and other harsh chemicals can permanently warp your aligners.

Bonus tip:

Always brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners in, and always give them a rinse when you remove them.