23 Goals for 2023

“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.” — Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens

I really enjoy goal setting. It is one of my key methods of self improvement yearly.

Time and time again, research shows that you are more likely to achieve your goals when you write them down. In that same breath, it is important that when you’re thinking about setting goals, you set yourself up for success. That means having a method of planning that allows you to track your progress in the right way, stay motivated, and encourages you to be both consistent and disciplined. For as long as I can remember, I’ve kept a planner where all tasks, meetings, outings and goals (big, small, daily, weekly, monthly, etc) live. I highly recommend downloading the 2023 goal planner from my shop. I personally use this and update it every year. You can download it for free by signing up for my newsletter.

This year I’m writing my goals down as it corresponds with the year! I heard this pretty cool idea on the GenTwenty podcast and thought I’d give it a whirl so here goes…these are my 23 goals for 2023:

  1. Read at least 23 books in 2023

  2. Commit to working out 2-3 times per week

  3. Run a 10K

  4. Maintain a 7-figure practice/business

  5. Re-commit to date night with my husband once per week

  6. Schedule a CEO day once per month

  7. Go to church at least one Sunday per month

  8. Complete the Wharton Masters Business of Orthodontics-AAO Program

  9. Be more active on the Board of the DC Dental Society

  10. Drink more water (4-6 cups/day)

  11. Increase my blogging & candle company Income

  12. Do one family/kid friendly activity per week(end)

  13. Spend 1000 hours outdoors

  14. Try a new restaurant every month

  15. Find ways to give back to my community

  16. Do continuing education (CEs) once per month

  17. One spa day per month (self care)

  18. Book at least four trips and two “real” vacations

  19. Gain a new skill

  20. Get more sleep

  21. Pay off debt

  22. Learn one new recipe every month

  23. Shop with more small businesses

Now that I’ve written this on the blog, you get to be my accountability partner. I will do one check-in mid year to update my progress and another at the end of the year. What are your 2023 goals?