5 Books By Women Authors Every Leader & Entrepreneur Should Read

I love a good book! Books have the unique ability to open you up to a whole new world, to increase your knowledge on a certain topic, to educate, inform, increase your memory, communication skills, and sometimes to simply whisk you away to another reality. I have made it a habit to read at least one book per month, at the very minimum 12 books per year. Last year I read 14 books and I always learn something for every read.

I have read at least 15 books so far this year, including these 5 books that I think every leader and/or entrepreneur ought to get their hands on. Being somewhat of a serial entrepreneur and leader in my own right, these books have been helping me tremendously in business. I hope they will do the same for you.

If you love books as much as I do, consider joining my book club. Each month I hand select a book, we all read (or listen via audible) and meet over zoom for a little coffee & conversation or booze & books, whatever the occasion calls for. It is not just a book club, but an opportunity to build our network and form some meaningful relationships.

Happy reading!