The Best Leaders Are Humble Leaders

"Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart."

It’s the beginning of a new year and with that comes a lot of goal setting and reflection. As I look back on my first year as a practice owner I can’t help but be overcome with gratitude. Yes, I get to live out my dream of operating my own dental practice and make a significant impact in the lives of my patients but, beyond that is the ability to create jobs and foster a work culture and environment that is progressive, empowering, motivating, inclusive and rewarding. I do not take any of this lightly and work towards improving these everyday.

The reason I am so grateful to be able to foster this kind of environment is because it is exactly what I needed in my jobs before I became my own boss. I’ve experienced bad bosses and less than desirable leadership and vowed to not repeat those when it became my turn.

The truth is, true leadership has it’s basis in humility. Often times leaders let success get to their heads. They gain satisfaction from pushing people around. Little do they know, humility is an incredibly powerful choice. It is a critical success factor. Scientific inquiry into the power and effectiveness of humility has shown that it offers a significant “competitive advantage” to leaders. Leaders are more powerful when they’re humble.

So as I reflect I wanted to share a few notes on leadership and humility from one of my favorite leadership speakers, Brigette Hyacinth. Take what you need:

Humble leaders show vulnerability which makes them more approachable. Such leaders don't point fingers or divert blame, and are willing to listen to differing opinions. If you don't listen or won't admit you’re wrong, you can’t grow. If you don't grow, your business won't grow. Success requires continuous growth.

Try never to be the smartest person in the room. And if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people or find a different room.” Michael Dell

Humble leaders are great listeners. Listening forms the foundation of good relationships. Why? Because it shows you care. Humility and emotional intelligence go hand in hand.

Humility is a sign of strength, not weakness. When you can shift your focus from taking to giving, from hoarding the credit to recognizing the contributions of others, it shows inner strength. We know success doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It is a team effort. Learn to appreciate and value the people around you.

What you want won't always come easy, but if you work hard, and never give up, you will get there. Small steps everyday.

In spite of how much success you attain. Stay humble.

"Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real" -Thomas Merton.

Humility if consistently pursued and prudently polished over time, is a powerful force for good, that helps one to reach and sustain success.

I hope something sticks with you and you join me in my pledge to make your work environment a bit better, everyday.