How to Clean Your Teeth With Braces: Expert Tips from an Orthodontist

If you're among the many people who've embarked on the journey of orthodontic treatment with braces, you're likely aware that maintaining oral hygiene becomes a bit more intricate with brackets and wires in the equation. Braces create numerous nooks and crannies where food particles can become trapped, making it crucial to adapt your oral care routine for optimal health. In this guide, I will share some essential tips and recommended products to help you maintain a clean and healthy smile during your braces journey.

1. Clearing Out Food After Every Meal

The first and most fundamental step in caring for your teeth with braces is clearing out food debris after every meal. Food particles tend to cling to brackets and wires, creating a haven for harmful bacteria. This bacterial activity increases acidity in your mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and other oral health issues.

To combat this, consider these strategies:

  • Brush Your Teeth: After eating, brush your teeth thoroughly to get rid of food particles that got lodge during eating.

  • Rinse with Water: If you’re in a situation (or place) where you’re unable to brush at the moment rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. This simple step can also help dislodge larger food particles from your braces.

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day can aid in keeping your mouth clean. It encourages saliva production, which naturally helps wash away food debris and balance oral pH levels.

  • Swish and Rinse: Incorporate swishing and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash after meals. This practice also helps to remove lingering food particles and reduces the build-up of bacteria.

  • Avoid Sticky and Sugary Foods: Be cautious about the foods you consume. Sticky and sugary treats like starbursts or jelly beans are particularly problematic as they can easily get lodged in your teeth and braces. These remnants not only threaten to dislodge brackets but also provide a feast for harmful bacteria, leading to accelerated tooth decay.

2. Flossing Is Non-Negotiable

Flossing becomes even more critical when you have braces. While you might have been less diligent about flossing before, it's time to make it a regular part of your routine—ideally every day or at least every other day.

Here are some flossing options to consider:

  • Interdental Picks: These are excellent tools for navigating the tight spaces between wires and brackets. Interdental picks make it easier to floss effectively with braces.

  • Floss Threading: If you prefer traditional floss, invest in a floss threader. This tool allows you to thread floss behind the wires, enabling thorough cleaning between teeth.

  • Water Flossers: Water flossers are a fantastic addition to your oral care routine. They use a stream of water to dislodge food particles and plaque. Look for one that comes with specialized orthodontic tips for the best results.

3. Brushing Techniques for Braces

Proper brushing is paramount when you have braces. The challenge lies in effectively removing biofilm from the tooth surfaces, which is more challenging with brackets and wires in the way. To tackle this, consider these tips:

  • Opt for a Sonic Toothbrush: A sonic toothbrush with a small brush head is ideal for braces. The smaller head can reach around each bracket with ease. One excellent option is the ProClean brush head from Ollie, which is smaller and is designed to get into those hard-to-reach areas.

  • Vibrational Cleaning: Sonic toothbrushes use vibrations to clean your teeth, eliminating the need for vigorous back-and-forth movements that can be problematic with braces.

  • Decalcification and White Spots: With braces, there's an increased risk of decalcification, which can lead to white spots on your teeth. Using fluoride and/or hydroxyapatite toothpastes and a remineralizing mouthwash can help mitigate this risk.

Recommended Products

  • Sonic Toothbrush: Sonic toothbrushes use vibrations to clean your teeth, eliminating the need for vigorous back-and-forth movements that can be problematic with braces. Ollie’s sonic toothbrush with the ProClean brush head is gentle and small with effective cleaning action that is perfect for maintaining oral hygiene with braces.

  • Hydroxyapatite - Fluoride Toothpaste – Ollie has a specially formulated toothpaste that has both fluoride and hydroxyapatite that fights cavities in more ways than other toothpastes.

  • Floss: Flossing is non-negotiable with braces and nothing replaces the effectiveness of traditional string floss. But, if you’re in braces you must invest in a floss threader. This tool allows you to thread floss behind the wires, enabling thorough cleaning between teeth. Ollie’s silk floss is a great option for use with your floss threader.

  • Ollie Ortho Kit: The Ollie Ortho kit includes a sonic toothbrush with micro brush heads tailored for orthodontic care. Its gentle yet effective cleaning action is perfect for maintaining oral hygiene with braces.

Ollie’s products are great for overall oral care. Try Ollie products with discount code; UNORTHODOC10 for 10% off. 

While caring for your teeth with braces requires some adjustments to your daily routine, it's well worth the effort. Following these tips and using recommended products like those from Ollie can help ensure a clean and healthy smile during your orthodontic journey. Remember that maintaining good oral hygiene now will lead to a beautiful, confident smile once your braces come off.