10 Personal Development Tips To Improve Your Life & Make You Richer

The purpose of this blog is to help young professionals like you lead a more balanced and purpose-filled life. If you’re reading this, I am assuming you want to feel happier and find more fulfillment and purpose in your life.

You can literally change your life in a major way by incorporating a few simple things each day. I am not telling this because I’m a self help guru but because I know this to be true because I have done them.

I am going to give you 10 very simple personal development tips that will improve your life and if done well and with diligence can even make you richer!

1. Create a morning routine

I know it sounds mundane but it has been proven over and over. I disagreed with this notion for a very long time until I actually proved it to myself. Typically I would wake up with just enough time to shower, get dressed and grab breakfast to go. But when I changed this habit, something almost miraculous happened - I was more alert, focused and at least 5 times more productive throughout the day. Having a morning routine helps to set the tone for the day. It helps to develop good habits that can enable us to focus, accomplish more, achieve our goals, and improve our life overall.

I’ll admit, I don’t always follow a morning routine, but when I do, I clearly see a difference in my day.

Here’s what my morning routine looks like:

  • A 3-5 minute meditation or prayer.

  • Tea or coffee - having a hot beverage is soothing, calming but also helps to wake me up. An alternative is room temperature water. 

  • 10-15 minutes of yoga. I use the FitOn app or search Youtube.

  • Write in Journal - to practice gratitude and set my intentions for the day.

Resources for building a morning routine:

The Miracle Morning book

The Calm App

Starlight + Love Affirmation Cards

2. Learn a new skill

Now more than ever we are seeing that having one source of income is not the way to go. Learning new skills like graphic design, web design, social media marketing, real estate investing, calligraphy, travel hacking, house flipping, photography and even another language are great ways to not only boost your confidence but help you earn more money, and therefore build more wealth. A Side Hustle can help you earn extra income.

Resources for learning a new skill:

My Side Hustle Guide



Side Hustle Book

3. Invest in yourself

There’s only one investment that always pays off and that is investment in ourselves and in our mind. You are the most important place you can put your time and money. Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to create a wealthier and overall richer life.

There are books and online courses that can help you learn exactly what you want from the convenience of your home. By improving your talents, skills and abilities, you’re investing in something that you will always have; nobody can tax it or take it away from you. Markets can crash, stocks and bonds can be lost, or material possessions can burn–however your knowledge is a tremendous asset that will often provide significant returns.

Resources for Investing in Yourself:

Self-help books

Books on Personal Finance

Podcasts on Personal Growth & Finance

4. Manage stress

There are a lot of negative effects of stress on the mind and body. And although, it is an inevitable part of life, there are things we can do to manage our stresses.

Here are great ways to manage stress:

  • Keep a Journal - so you can put your thoughts and feelings on paper and to also practice gratitude.

  • Meditate daily. You can sit or lay down in a quiet space for 5-10 mins or use The Calm app or The Headspace app to help you. They’re both free.

  • Use a stress ball

  • Light a candle and take a relaxing bath

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5. Read 1 book per month

I read 18 books last year and credit them to a lot of my success and happiness.

I personally prefer to read hard copy books. There’s just something about feeling the pages beneath your fingertips and having the ability to use an actual pen or highlighter to make note of the parts that really resonate with me. Event though that’s my preferred method, I also read electronic books on my kindle and listen to audio books.

Here are my favorite personal growth and personal finance books:

6. Listen to a podcast daily 

I am admittedly a podcast junkie. I have a wealth of knowledge, thanks to podcasts that I listen to daily. Listening to podcasts is one of the easiest ways to work on self-growth. I listen to a podcast daily and incorporate them easily in my routine. You can listen to them on your commute to work/school, at the gym or even while cooking.

Some Great Personal development podcasts:

  • Design Your Dream Life

  • The Happiness Lab

  • Don’t Keep Your Day Job .

7. Use a planner 

I always use a planner! Planners are the best way to stay productive, stay on top of your goals and get things done each day. I use a combination of my physical planner as well as a digital to-do list with the todoist app. It' is much easier for me to stay on track and not forget or lose focus once I put things in writing.

8. Join a community

Jay-Z said it best “over here we measure success by how many people successful next to you.” In the same spirit, another saying goes “ You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” It is critical to your growth and development that you meet and keep like-minded people who are on the same wealth-building journey as you. 

Whether those people are in person or online, they will serve the same purpose in your life.

9. Find a physical activity you enjoy 

I love the saying” Find three hobbies you love: One to make you money, one to keep you in shape and one to be creative.” Do you have a physical hobby that you genuinely?

Here are some examples physical hobbies you might like:

  • Rock climbing

  • Kickboxing

  • Yoga

  • Hiking

  • Riding a bike

  • Swimming

  • Gym

10. Create an evening routine

Lastly, create an evening routine. An evening routine can be just as important as having a morning routine because it helps you wind down, relieve stress, and can help you to get better sleep. 

Here’s what my evening routine look like:

Resources for building an evening routine:


A Planner

The Calm App

Do you have ways in which you work on personal development? If so, please share in the comments!

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